The Shepherd’s Shelter
Built with our own hands, this traditional stone-built Shepherd Shelter (Mitato) is located at 848m at a slope of the renowned Psiloritis mount. In this welcoming Shepherd Shelter, we are ready to share with you our passion for the distinct Cretan traditions and lifestyle. The visit to the Shepherd’s Shelter offers a life-time experience to every visitor. Depending on the season, you have the unique opportunity to view the sheep milking, join the cheese-making, experience the sheep-shearing or participate in the fiesta of raki distillation. Join us in herbs collection and traditional cooking and indulge yourself with the local delicacies and wine we offer. Want to have more stunning pictures from your holiday in Crete and memorable experiences to talk about? Visit us in the Shepherd’s Shelter and live like a Cretan for one day!
Experience the Shepherd’s Shelter with Greentour
Greentour is local ecotourism tour operator which aspires to in from a broader public about the area of Psiloritis Natural Park. With s focus on the environment, the local people and local economy, greentour plays an active role in the conservation of natural and heritage, through innovative Ecotourism programs.